Special Collections in flux: a dynamic blend of innovation and creativity - Emma Doran, Barbara McCormack & Audrey Kinch, Maynooth University
Evaluating Evidence-Based Acquisition (EBA) at Maynooth University Library - Yvette Campbell, Marie G. Cullen, Valerie Payne, Maynooth University & Eliška Komárková, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
The ARC: building, moving and relocating Special Collections to offsite storage - Karen Sigler, Texas State University
Increasing the discoverability of our Unique and Distinct Collections, locally, nationally and internationally - Louisa Costelloe, Queen’s University Belfast
Transformative CPD in our library workforce: using Open Digital Badges as accreditation in Rudaí23 - Michelle Breen, University of Limerick, Kristopher Meen, National University of Ireland, Galway & Stephanie Ronan, Marine Institute of Ireland
Transforming learning spaces to enhance the user experience - Siobhan Carroll, Maud Conroy, Mary O’Leary, Gabi Honan, Kristopher Meen & Michael Smalle, National University of Ireland, Galway
Real life digital curation and preservation - Peter Clarke, University College Dublin
Pin it!: linking shelf-marks to shelf locations - Vanessa Buckley & Debra McCann, University College Dublin
Cleaning out our closets – our experience of a major journals stocktake project! - Sonia Freaney, National University of Ireland, Galway