2023 Presentations

A Green Focus for UCD Library

The Sustainability of Collecting Everything

Making the Switch: Moving from deployed to hosted EZproxy

UK Distributed Print Book Collection

The Sustainable Strategic Advancement of Academic Libraries: a SWOT analysis

The TCD Sense Project: A Universal Design Approach for Library Services & Space

Why Research Libraries supporting Open Access is vital to the achievement of the UN SDGs and enabling Social Justice

Aeroponics in UCC Library, a towering success

The Library Garden as Sustainable Sensory Space

Library publishing and bibliodiversity

When the SDGs met UDCs: Future-proofing Research

Education for sustainable development: a selection of UCC Library contributions to the UN Sustainability Development Goals

Facilitating knowledge creation: running a sustainable zine making event

Education for Sustainability: Not Yet on A Sustainable Footing

Looking at the Library through the lens of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals): simple ways to ensure library staff and libraries continue to thrive

UCC Library – maintaining momentum

The 7 Do’s of DMPS

Simple, sustainable, scalable: Developing online engagement and research resources for heritage collections

Inspiring Action: How the Bord Bia Library Supports the UNSDGs

The Old Library Redevelpment Project at Trinity College Dublin: sustaining and preserving the building and its collections, and providing continuity of access

Researching sustainability at University of the Arts London: Learning through objects and critical frameworks

The Library of the Future: Embedding Sustainability into Strategic Planning

Fostering and sustaining open scholarship practice and metaliteracy at undergraduate level: The case of the Communications Undergraduate Journal at Dublin City University