About Us

The hosting of a CONUL conference was proposed in 2014 and accepted by the then ANLTC (CONUL’s Staff Training and Development Group). The inaugural CONUL Conference Committee was subsequently established.


The first CONUL conference took place in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Athlone on 3rd-4th June 2015.


Planning for the CONUL 2016 conference took place in summer 2015. This conference took place in the Sheraton Hotel, Athlone on 1st and 2nd June 2016. All CONUL institutions were represented.


The 2017 Conference took place in the Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone, on 30th and 31st of May 2017.

The CONUL Board agreed the broad theme of research for 2017- to encompass unique and distinct collections; research support; international trends, especially international exemplars of collaborative collection development and collaborative collection management to support research. It was attended by 216 delegates (including 41 industry delegates and 10 international delegates).


The 2018 CONUL Conference ‘ Transformative Experiences: Libraries Innovating and Changing’ took place on May 30th and 31st in the Galway Bay Hotel, Salthill, Co. Galway. The conference was attended by 241 delegates.


The Conference was not held in 2019 because the LIBER Conference was being held in Dublin that year and it was deemed prudent for CONUL library staff to contribute to the success of that Conference, rather than competing with it.



It was planned to hold a CONUL Conference in 2020 and most of the planning and organisation had take place when a national shutdown was announced in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

It was hoped to reschedule to November 2020 but the continued situation made an in-person event not possible. The in-person Conference was then postponed to May 2022 with a decision taken to host a virtual Conference in May 2021. The virtual event went ahead and was a great opportunity for the CONUL Community to come together albeit virtually.


The 2022 Conference ‘Library.Now – Welcome to the Future’ took place on May 25th and 26th 2022 in the Limerick Strand Hotel


The 2023 Conference 'Sense and Sustainability: Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability in Libraries' took place on May 24th and 25th 2023 in the Clayton Silver Springs Cork

Conference Committee

Fiona Morley

Conference Chair

Maynooth University

Cronán Ó Doibhlin

Programme Chair

University College Cork

Jennifer Ball


TU Dublin

Evelyn Bohan

Chair of Sponsorship & Finance Committee

University of Galway

Andrew Jones

Chair of Media and Promotions Committee

Trinity College Dublin

Rebecca McCoy

Bursary Co-Ordinator

Queen’s University Belfast

Mairead Mooney

University College Cork

Orla Nic Aodha

Dublin City University

Sinéad Keogh

University of Limerick

Maeve McElligott

University of Medicine and Health Sciences

Letshani Ndlovu

University College Dublin

Aoife Murphy

National Library of Ireland

Claire Uhomoibhi

Ulster University

CONUL Institutions