
Elaine Bean
Keynote speaker: Presented at the CONUL Conference, July 2015, Athlone, Ireland by Marshall Breeding (independent consultant, speaker, and author. He is the creator and editor of Library Technology Guides and the online directory of libraries on the Web.)
Keynote paper at the CONUL Conference, July 2015, Athlone, Ireland by Professor Sarah Moore University of Limerick
Presented at the CONUL Conference, July 2015, Athlone, Ireland by Justine Bennett, University of Limerick Take a few hundred thousand catalogue records. Let lots of different cataloguers edit them over the course of four decades. Pull your copy cataloguing from your LMS database for many years. Watch as cataloguing practices change. Now acquire external eBook...
Presented at the CONUL Conference, July 2015, Athlone, Ireland byMichael Ladisch, University College Dublin Because of the similarities and newness of their domains of influence, academic libraries and university research offices often have interesting relationships. This presentation is a case study in collaboration between these two units at University College Dublin. Both have recently undergone...
Web robots have become an enormous problem and must be considered when collecting and analysing web usage statistics. This is particularly problematic for institutional repositories, as the major platforms (DSpace and EPrints) have only basic robot detection and filtration capabilities for their native statistics packages. These systems, as well as a DSpace extension, the University...
Presented at the CONUL Conference, July 2015, Athlone, Ireland by Bernadette Gardiner, Emma Boyce, Maynooth University “In April 2015, Maynooth University Library underwent a third cycle quality review. The Quality Review involves the preparation of an internal self-assessment report (SAR), a peer review report by two internal and two external reviewers and the preparation of...
Presented at the CONUL Conference, July 2015, Athlone, Ireland by Marie Boran, NUI Galway In this paper I propose to examine the Dunboyne collection of sale notices relating to the Encumbered (later Landed) Estates Court, principally relating to county Clare. The 29 bound volumes, now housed in the Special Collections of the Hardiman Library, originate...
Presented at the CONUL Conference, July 2015, Athlone, Ireland by Jane Burns, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland Medical humanities represent the intersection of the arts, humanities and healthcare which is comprised of a variety of disciplines that explore the social, historical and cultural dimensions of scientific knowledge, clinical practice and healthcare policy. They investigate and...
Presented at the CONUL Conference, July 2015, Athlone, Ireland by Elaine Bean
Presented at the CONUL Conference, July 2015, Athlone, Ireland by Peter Corrigan NUI Galway. Open-ended respondent comments are a valuable complement to the regular quantitative findings provided by many surveys. While reading every comment provides insight for the investigator, rigorous, systematic analysis and summarization of extensive qualitative feedback is a time-consuming task. Recent advances in...
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