A Green Focus for UCD Library (Parallel Paper)

24th May 202313:10Tivoli Suite


Sustainability is a key factor in the UCD strategy. UCD Library, working with UCD Estates on large and small scale projects, have successfully contributed to this strategy.

This talk will look at a range of UCD Library refurbishment projects, some completed and others underway. Planning decisions are framed by what will deliver the best value and least environmental impact over the whole lifespan of the project, rather than taking a short term focus on lowest initial capital cost. Our goal is to minimise the negative environmental impact of the refurbishment by utilising energy-saving technologies that materially impact on the performance of the building ( glazing, acoustic treatments, LED lighting), and by giving careful consideration to the removal of existing materials (shelving, curated collections, furniture etc.) and the impact of disposal through recycling, reuse or up-cycling.

The second  part of our talk will give a general overview of the work of the Library Green Group, looking at staff involvement in projects, the creation of the LIbrary Green Guide, promotion of green initiatives and collaborations with our UCD campus partners.  This Group, set up in 2019 , continues to identify ways to raise environmental awareness among UCD Library staff, to place increased focus on recycling opportunities, to identify opportunities to become more energy efficient and to seek across campus collaboration to assist in achieving identified goals.  Green initiatives include the Learning Enhancement Project, the pollinator plan/wildflower meadow, installation of LED lights, the introduction of water fountains and efforts to increase staff/student green education.