Using GitHub to collaboratively create and sustainably maintain open content ranging from software to websites, textbooks, journals and educational resources (Workshop)

25th May 202314:30Harbour Suite 4


GitHub is a free resource for collaboration and the hosting of content. It is widely used to share and collaboratively develop code and has become a key tool for development and maintenance of open-source software.

While the majority of content hosted on GitHub remains open source software, it is increasingly used to collaboratively develop and sustainably host a variety of other contents as well. Free to use and build for collaboration Libraries can make use of GitHub in a number of ways that range from creating and hosting websites, to the running of Open Access Journals, or the hosting of textbooks and Open Educational Resources.

This workshop will

  • Explain the concepts underpinning GitHub
  • Look at use cases and examples of content developed and shared with GitHub
  • Demonstrate how new content is created, shared, and collaboratively worked on
  • Invite and integrate input from the audience in the demonstration
  • Show how content can be presented and made publicly available

Participants are encouraged to create a user account at before the workshop and to bring a laptop to be able to actively participate in hands-on demonstration of collaborative work on GitHub. The workshop is however designed in a way that participants are also able to follow along the demonstrations without an account.