Ten Years of LIST: Measuring the Impact of MU Library Information Skills Tutorials: ElaineBean

Presented at the CONUL Conference, July 2015, Athlone, Ireland by
Elaine Bean, Maynooth University
The Library at Maynooth University, is working to bridge the gap between 2nd and 3rd level education by offering a suite of information literacy tutorials (LIST – Library Information Skills Tutorials). LIST is offered to students and staff of the University. It includes presentations on library specific topics such as Avoiding plagiarism, From Searching to Researching, How to Search the Library Collection, Using the Library Discovery tool, Locating Postgraduate Theses etc. As the popularity of LIST increased, other university departments sought to become part of the programme. Following consultation, the scope of LIST was broadened from library-related topics to include topics such as Essay Writing Skills, Managing Stress etc. Numbers participating in LIST sessions have increased from160 participants per annum in the first year to 1,400 participants in the academic year 2013-2014 and over 30 topics courses.
This case study will outline the development of LIST. It will explain how topics are selected for inclusion and how LIST has been developed, promoted and publicised. Methods for training the presenters and delivering the LIST sessions will be explored. This case study will be of interest to anyone who wants to learn more about running short structured information literacy sessions.