Michelle Breen is Head of Learning & Engagement at the University of Limerick, where she has responsibility for engagement and outreach with the university community and supports the University’s academic delivery model, enhancing the student experience and enabling student success by maximizing student use of learning resources, uptake of information and digital skills development and engagement and belonging opportunities that the library provides. Michelle leads library services in the areas of curriculum resources, information and digital literacies, enquiry and reference services, learning supports, engagement, inclusion and belonging opportunities. At a University level, Michelle is a member of the University’s Sustainability Working Group, sits on the Learning Teaching and Assessment Committee for the Faculty of Education and Health Sciences, and is a member of the Academic Advisory Group for the University’s VLE and the steering group for LevUL Up, a student digital skills programme.
Michelle is currently chair of CONUL’s Training & Development group and is a member of the Executive Council of the Library Association of Ireland where she is an Associate Member (ALAI). Michelle is an active participant in the international open education community, involved in SPARC Europe’s ENOEL group and has reviewed for and published in several peer-reviewed journals.
Michelle holds a BA in European Studies from the University of Limerick, a Higher Diploma in Library & Information Studies from UCD and a Professional Diploma in Strategic Leadership from the University of Limerick.