Programme 2015

Wednesday 1 June 2016
Thursday 2 June 2016
Poster Presentations
09.00-11.00 Registration / Refreshments / Sponsor and Poster Exhibitions

Helen Fallon, Chair of Conference Organising Committee and Siobhán Fitzpatrick, Chair of CONUL

Keynote 1
Chair: Siobhán Fitzpatrick, Royal Irish Academy and Chair of CONUL

Remember your epiphanies: Collaborative management of print resources in the 21st Century
Ivy Anderson, Director of Collections at the California Digital Library

12.00-13.00 Plenary 1 (Hoey Suite)
Chair:Jessie Kurtz Trinity College Dublin

Watch, Listen, Learn: understanding the undergraduate research process through an ethnographic lens
Siobhán Dunne, Dublin City University

The story of GAeL (Graduate Attributes eLearning): embedding information literacy through critical skills, collaboration and a new curriculum
Lorna Dodd & Dr Brian McKenzie, Maynooth University

13.00- 13.15 Thomson Reuters presentation
13.15-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.00 Plenary 2 (Hoey Suite)
Chair: Kate Kelly Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

CAVAL: an Australian collaborative experience
Michelle Agar, Trinity College Dublin

The pieces of the puzzle: building relationships through community collecting
Katherine McSharry, National Library of Ireland

15.00-16.00 Parallel 1

Hoey Suite

Getting the edge: Library and Career Development Centre collaboration to help students develop employability skills and find jobs
Allison Kavanagh, Dublin Institute of Technology

Working in partnership to empower students with disabilities: the Queen’s University Belfast experience
Sally Bridge, Queen’s University Belfast

Digital humanities in Ireland and China: a prospect of multi-level cooperation (international)Jane Burns, RCSI/UCD

Chair: Lorna Dodd
Maynooth University

Grace Suite 1

Strategic Partnerships – building the Irish Poetry Reading Archive and developing library exhibitions
Ursula Byrne, University College Dublin

Pilot thesaurus of Irish folklore: a collaborative project by the Digital Repository of Ireland and the National Library of Ireland
Catherine Ryan, University College Dublin

Chair: Cillian Joy (NUIG)

Grace Suite 3

Gathered together – a survey of the unique and distinct collections held by CONUL (Special collections)
Susie Bioletti, Felicity O’Mahony, Trinity College Dublin and Elaine Harrington, University College Cork

Acquiring a 14-century historical manuscript from St Mary’s Cistercian Abbey, Dublin: an exercise in collaboration
Dr Bernard Meehan, Trinity College Dublin

The online catalogue of Greek manuscripts at Trinity College Dublin: a portal to international scholarship
Felicity O’Mahony, Trinity College Dublin

Chair: Barbara Mc Cormack
Maynooth University

16.00-16.30 Refreshments / Sponsor and Poster Exhibitions
16.30-17.30 Plenary 3 (Hoey Suite)
Chair: John Cox (NUIG)
The ‘Academic’ Librarian: collaborating with an academic department to design and deliver a Master’s programme at Maynooth University
Hugh Murphy & Barbara McCormack, Maynooth University

Collaborating to trace conversations about bereavement on twitter
Laura Rooney Ferris, Irish Hospice Foundationand Jane Burns, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland / University College Dublin

19.00 River Shannon Cruise with drinks reception followed by Conference Dinner at the hotel
(River Shannon cruise will be weather permitting)

Helen Fallon, Chair of the Conference Organising Committee

Keynote 2
Chair: Cathal Mc Cauley Maynooth University
Inspiring Change: Studying Users to Improve Library Services
Dr Susan Gibbons, University Librarian and Deputy Provost for Libraries and Scholarly Communication, Yale University


Plenary 4 (Hoey Suite)
Chair: Christopher Pressler Dublin City University
CONUL Directors Forum and Presentation of Ireland’s Memory. Ireland’s Discovery: CONUL Strategy 2016-2019
Introduced and chaired by Christopher Pressler, University Librarian , Dublin City University and including a Q&A session with CONUL Directors

11.00-11.30 Refreshments / Sponsor and Poster Exhibitions
11.30-12.30 Parallel 2

Hoey Suite

Embedding a reading list management system in an Irish university
Monica Crump, NUIG

Digital collaborations supporting transition into third level with an online marketing tool
Sarah-Anne Kennedy, Dublin Institute of Technology

Supporting internal interns
Sinead Keogh, University of Limerick

Chair: Allison Kavanagh
Dublin Institute of Technology

Grace Suite 1

BNB accommodation the Legal Deposit Libraries’ Shared Cataloguing Programme
Peter Guilding, Trinity College Dublin

Why Ireland needs a CONUL union catalogue
Eoin McCarney, University College Dublin

Chair: Hugh Murphy
Maynooth University

12.30-13.00 Parallel 3

Hoey Suite

The Rock of Cashel, two Archbishops, a library & the University of Limerick
Evelyn McAuley, University of Limerick

Chair: Susie Bioletti
Trinity College Dublin

Grace Suite 1

If you’re not in, you can’t win! – working with UCD student digital ambassadors

James Molloy
and Joshua Clark, University College Dublin

Chair: Philip Cohen
Dublin Institute of Technology

Grace Suite 3

The international image interoperability framework: why it’s a game-changer for digital libraries
Dr John Howard, University College Dublin

Chair: Sandra Collins
National Library of Ireland

13.00-13.50 Lunch
ANLTC Awards and Prizes
14.00-14.45 Parallel 4

Hoey Suite

Using an online collaborative approach to develop and implement a national 23 Things course
Stephanie Ronan, Marine Institute

Library Creative Zone & Blackstone LaunchPad – doing new things
Valerie King
& Colette McKenna, University College Cork

Doing more with more, as well as doing more with less
Brian Gillespie, Dublin Institute of Technology

Chair: Christopher Pressler
Dublin City University

Grace Suite 1

The European Historical Bibliographies Network and Irish History Online
Dr Bernadette Cunningham, Royal Irish Academy

Transforming Irish family history research: the NLI’s Catholic parish register digitisation project
Ciara Kerrigan, National Library of Ireland

Yeats and the Abbey Theatre minute books (1904-1939), an example of layered partnership
Cillian Joy, NUIG

Chair: Helen Shenton
Trinity College Dublin

14.45-15.00 Ex Libris presentation
15.00-15.30 Refreshments / Sponsor and Poster Exhibitions

Sponsors Prize

Plenary 5 (Hoey Suite)
Chair: Elaine Harrington, University College Cork
Preserving our past together: reflections on the Easter Rising 1916 Web Archive
John McManus & Dr Brendan Power, Trinity College Dublin

Village in the city: collaborating on National Photographic Archive exhibitions
Elizabeth Kirwan, National Library of Ireland

16.20-16.30 Conference Close
Helen Fallon, Chair of Conference Organising Committee
and Siobhán Fitzpatrick, Chair of CONUL

Incentivization and collaboration: playing with the flipped model in embedded information literacy sessions
Kristopher Meen
NUI Galway

“UX in Maynooth University Library
Laura Connaughton
Maynooth University

User Engagement: What Makes it Worthwhile?
Niall McSweeney
NUI Galway

From Froebel to Maynooth – Merging Library Collections
Marie G. Cullen, Mary Robinson
Maynooth University

Library Ireland Week, November 2015: Library Staff Exchange Scheme
Olive Morrin
Maynooth University

James Durney
Historian-in-Residence with Kildare County Library and Arts Service

Towards a formal understanding of users and collaboration in the archives
Claire Allen
Trinity College Dublin

The Evolution of Information literacy in Galway Mayo Institute of Technology Library: a Collaborative Process between the Library and Academic Staff
Margaret Waldron, Bernie Lally, Maura Stephens, Kathryn Briggs, Helen Flatley
Galway Mayo Institute of Technology

The Liam O’Leary Archive; Ireland’s Film on Paper
Joanne Carroll
Irish Film Institute, National Library of Ireland

Restoring Ireland’s finest Palladian House: A Research Collaboration between the OPW and the OPW-Maynooth University Archive and Research Centre, Castletown House
Nicola Kelly
Maynooth University

Why the Library needs IT, and maybe vice-versa.
Dermot Frost
Trinity College Dublin

Destination Open Access: Getting Researchers On Board.
Lynne Gault, Mark Bennett
Queen’s University Belfast