DELEGATE REGISTRATION | Early Fee | Standard Fee | Late Fee |
for fees received | before 1 April 2017 | before 1 May 2017 | after 1 May 2017 |
Registration (including 1 nights’ accommodation) | €280 | €300 | €325 |
Industry Registration | €400 | €400 |
Registration Fee includes:
Registrations & Social Events | |
Before 13 March 2017 | Full Refund |
Before 1 April 2017 | 50% Refund |
After 1 April 2017 | No Refund |
Accommodation | |
Before 1 April 2017 | 1 night will be charged |
After 1 April 2017 | No Refund |
Changes and updates to registrations can be made by logging on to your registration account. A €50 administration fee will be charged for any changes made through the Conference Secretariat.
Registrants may transfer their registration to a colleague via the registration system. A €50 administration fee will be charged for any changes made through the Conference Secretariat.
All refunds due will be processed after the conference. Refunds paid are less any bank or credit card charges.
Cancellations must be sent by email to by the dates specified. Credit cannot be given for unused service, unattended events or early termination of attendance.
Payment can be made online via credit card – Visa and Mastercard accepted.
Payment can also be made by bank transfer – account details are available on completion of registration.